We are working
intersection of the
with projects at the
Our primary aim is to create comfortable and unambiguous user experience in various spaces
user experience,
and graphic design
Feeling the space / Feeling the space /
Feeling the space / Feeling the space /
Feeling the space / Feeling the space /
Wayfinding systems design
Visitor experience design from start to finish
Engineering of uniform information systems for various communication channels
Space and user habits research
Creation of bespoke art objects and unique artistic solutions for spaces
Social initiatives in the urban environment
It is the basis of the system. We are creating projects for people and their convenience.
Meeting target audience needs in the user experience
Information in the system should be uniform at every point of contact.
Coherence of informational system
Wayfinding doesn’t exist beyond the architectural context; it is embedded in it.
Attention to architecture
We create bespoke design for every project.
Unique design
They make projects unique and create the feelings of sophistication and care.
Details above all
We take into account peculiarities of regional production and possibilities of solution implementation.
Constructive execution
Wayfinding is created for many years. Hence it should be developed to be easy in maintenance.
Longevity in maintenance
Points of Contact with Information in Visitor Experience / Points of Contact with Information in Visitor Experience /
User experience is broader than we think / User experience is broader than we think /
User experience is broader than we think / User experience is broader than we think /
Points of Contact with Information in Visitor Experience / Points of Contact with Information in Visitor Experience /
Nowadays user experience is a well-known term used for digital products. For a long time visitor experience in various spaces and buildings was standalone and didn’t correlate with the digital products. However, how is it possible to divide customer journey into separate segments and not link it into a coherent system?

Visitor experience is a process of creating coherence, which includes many information channels which should communicate in the same language. When we build solid foundation for an information system, we give an opportunity to create a qualitative and reasoned visitor experience.
as a Coherent
Development of visitor experience and creation of a coherent information system
Work with partners, who create various products, such as:
— websites and mobile apps;
— interactive installations;
— art objects creation or outsourcing;
— motion design.
Creation of product development tasks
Each type of visual aid has pros and cons that must be evaluated to ensure it will be beneficial to the overall presentation. Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid, but a distraction.